Friday, August 31, 2007

Leaving Erzurum - at last

Well its been a long time - longer than I've ever stayed anywhere on any holiday I think.

Finally I have my Iran Visa, new lastik (tyres) and a good camera - well 1 extra tyre the other one they sent around the world at great expense - to me - was the wrong size.  I wish they'd checked as they boxed them - they got 1 right! ).  I currently have two spares, but no spare once I need to change the two worn tyres on the bike.  (but who knows, if I'm lucky the current ones might hang on)

The Iran Visa was picked up within days of arriving in Erzurum.  I eventually gave up on the tyres that were meant to be coming from Istanbul - to be here before I was (ha) and imported some - these took 8 days which was a lot better than the delays from Istanbul.  Because I was waiting for the tyres I also asked for the camera bits to be shipped over - but I should have got Canon to ship DHL for 130 dollars - as it would have been cheaper in the long run than waiting here for them as I have been due to other sending delays.  In the end it has come to another Friday - I've run out of Side trips to do and staying in Erzurum for the parts as I have just isn't viable anymore.  So I now have a new camera and am on my way again.   I really never contemplated buying a new camera when the 10 cent part fell off. But in the end that's what it has come to.  That's this consumer society we live in.  Or more to the point it is the consumer society that the camera and I came from.  If only things were made to be repaired Erzurum would be an ideal place to find someone to repair it - craftsmen everywhere

Whilst filling in time in Urzurum I've taken the opportunity to do a couple of side trips and get out of the hotel ($$) and see the surrounds (and get some mountain pass practice)

For anybody that has been looking at my photos since the last update you'll know that I have been doing something.

I've put comments on the photos in the photo section so have a read of those - I apologise for the number of photos since the last update - if you haven't looked since then there are about 10 pages.  (I think page 19 was current last update)  Sorry !

Around Erzurum
Urzurum is great for watching traditional craftsmen
1. Bağlama's 2.Bağlama being repaired 3. Being made 4.Swiss rider Roli's Seat - split vinyl, now leather front 5.wood fired bakery 6. My hand-ywork. 
Palendöken - Coke $24 per litre -and I thought Turkey's petrol was expensive at $2.50/l  (for cooking)
Around Erzurum   1. street scene   2.We get rain each afternoon now  3. Ataturk Uni Hospital, incl Giadia + Tennis elbow + skin spot checks
Tortum Side Trip - To Tortum
Tortum Side Trip - To Narman & Peri Bacalari 1.over another hill and down again  2.River or road  3. the rocks  4. flat well drained camp  5. breakfast
Tortum Side Trip - To Oltu then back to Erzurum 1.Oltu castle 2. Roadside Hospitality  3.A rain break 4. my room - after the rain break
 At the end of my second side trip (south to Çat)- a roadworks depot office - home for a night - after a few hours of 4 season weather in a 3 season tent
So now its off toward the Iran border - probably about 5 days away.

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